
Zibo Central Hospital was founded in 1950. In July 1993, it was rated as a Class A tertiary hospital, among the first batch in Shandong Province and the only one in Zibo City. It is a provincial regional medical center in Shandong Province, the largest Class A tertiary comprehensive hospital in Zibo City, a non-affiliated hospital of Binzhou Medical University, and a joint training base for postgraduates in Shandong Province.

Three campuses are established in the hospital, of which the East Campus and the West Campus are responsible for most diagnoses and treatments. It covers an area of 283,333 square meters, offering 4,080 authorized beds and 2,814 open beds. There are 3,730 employees, including 167 employees with the senior title and 390 with the sub-senior title. The total value of medical equipment reached 1.5 billion yuan. It has 43 clinical departments, 25 medical technology departments, 11 provincial key clinical specialties, 4 provincial key disciplines of medicine and health, and 1 high-quality characteristic specialty among the first batch in Shandong Province. On the National Municipal Hospitals Competitiveness List, the hospital has risen for four consecutive years, ranking the 82th. In 2021, the hospital discharged 110,900 patients and operated on 65,900 cases, and 2.18 million people were diagnosed and treated in its outpatient and emergency department.

Zibo Central Hospital focuses on attracting and cultivating high-level talents. With the subsidies of up to 8 million yuan, it attracts high-end talents nationwide. The hospital also set up the Talent Introduction Pearl Award. Zibo Central Hospital is endowed with 112 doctors, accounting for 77% of the entire health system of Zibo City. It has cooperated with domestic and international top teams in high-end fields, flexibly introduced 12 high-level experts, and conducted in-depth cooperation with Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, etc. To improve its independent cultivation ability of talents, 10.6 million yuan was allocated to cultivate potential discipline leaders. Young and middle-aged employees are encouraged to pursue master and doctoral degrees with  favorable terms being given to them regarding tuition reimbursement and other aspects. given priority. There are 1 Taishan Scholar Young Expert, 6 Shandong Outstanding Young Talents in Health and Healthcare, and 6 young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions in Zibo.

As a national standardized training base for resident doctors and a training base for clinical pharmacists, Zibo Central Hospital plays the leading and demonstration role as a regional medical center at the provincial level and expands the coverage of high-quality medical services through medical consortiums, specialist alliances, telemedicine, community-level medical workstations with famous doctors, and selecting good doctors to be the director in the primary-level hospital. It establishes long-term friendly relations with hospitals and academic institutions in Israel, Germany, France, South Korea, and other countries in talent introduction, academic exchange, medical resource sharing, and personnel exchange and training.

It is equipped with large-scale medical equipment such as PET-CT, MRI, CT, DSA, large-aperture CT, medical linear accelerator, medical hyperbaric oxygen chamber, breach-loading therapy machine, femtosecond laser in cornea and refractive therapy machine, digital mammography equipment, digital integrated surgical system, fluorescence surgical microscope, thulium-doped fiber laser therapy machine, and medical ultrasonic diagnostic system.

As a public hospital, Zibo Central Hospital sticks to public benefits and positively fulfills social responsibilities. It completed rescue missions and medical insurance for major events nearly a hundred times. In the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2022, it successively selected 16 batches of more than 300 medical personnel to support the nucleic acid testing work in Hainan, Tibet, Jinan, and other places, as well as the medical treatment work in municipal infectious disease hospitals, Shanghai, etc. It has sent medical teams to assist Tibet for four years in a row, which was highly recognized by the Health Commission of Shandong Province and commended by the Rikaze City of Tibet. The medical team assisting Tibet was honored as the person of the year in the Touching Zibo award. The hospital actively participated in public welfare and charity undertakings. It conducted the One-day Salary Donation and launched many programs such as Tibet Surgical Assistance for Children with Congenital Heart Diseases, Cataract Surgery Rehabilitation Charity Activity, and Morning and Evening Voluntary Diagnosis Week, winning widespread praise from the society and being widely reported both in and outside the province.

Zibo Central Hospital has successively won such titles as National Advanced Unit of Medical and Health System, National First Batch of Top 100 Reliable Hospitals to People, National Outstanding Unit in the Activity of Building a Safe Hospital, and Satisfactory Medical and Health Institution in Shandong Province, and maintains the title of Provincial Civilized Unit for 34 consecutive years.


(Data updated on 25th September 2022)